16th SGBED Conference Proceedings
15th SGBED Conference Proceedings
14th SGBED Conference Proceedings
14th SGBED Conference Supplementary Proceedings
14th SGBED Conference Presentation
13th SGBED Conference Proceedings
12th SGBED Conference Proceedings
11th SGBED Conference Proceedings
10th SGBED Conference Proceedings
9th SGBED Conference Proceedings
8th SGBED Conference Proceedings
7th SGBED Conference Proceedings

Academy of Global Business Research and Practice
Dr. Johan de Jager
Research Professor
Tshwane University of Technology
Private Bag X680, Pretoria 0001, South Africa
Tel: 27 12 382 5627 Fax: 27 12 382 5627
Email: dejagerjw@tut.ac.za
Dr. Ogechi Adeola
Associate Professor
Logos Business School (LBS)
Pan-Atlantic University, Nigeria
Ph: +234 8025017873
Email: oadeola@lbs.edu.ng
Australia & New Zealand
Dr. Piyush Sharma
Professor of Marketing,
School of Marketing – Curtin Business School
Curtin University, 78 Murray Street, Perth WA 6000, Australia
Ph: +61 8 9266 3744 – Fax: +61 9266 3937 – Mobile +61 415 043 808
Email: Piyush.Sharma@curtin.edu.au
Dr. Vasanthi Peter
Course Leader, Master of Professional Accounting, Business & Finance Degree Programs
Holmesglen,1.11, 332 St. Kilda Rd, South Bank-3006, PO Box 42
Holmesglen VIC 3148
Email: vasanthi.peter@holmesglen.edu.au
Tel: +61 381996616
Brazil, Mexico (Latin America)
Dr. Mario Henrique Ogasavara
Professor in International Business Strategy and Innovation
Master and Doctoral Program in International Management
ESPM (Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing), Sao Paulo, Brazil
Tel: +55 11 5085-4689
Email: mario.ogasavara@espm.br
Dr. José Sánchez Gutiérrez
Chair of Marketing & International Business Department
University of Guadalajara
Cell number: 523336778482
Office phone number: 523337703343
Address: Periférico Norte 799 G-306 Zapopan,Jalisco,Mexico 45100
Email: Jsanchez@cucea.dug.mx
Dr. V. Charles
Professor and Director of the Center for Value Chain Innovation
CENTRUM Catolica Graduate Business School
Pontifical Catholic University of Peru
Lima 15023, Peru.
Email: vcharles@pucp.pe
Mobile number: +44 (0) 7491 226 227
Dr. Jesús Cuauhtémoc Téllez Gaytán
Professor-Risk Management, International Economics, Energy Markets
Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus San Luis Potosí, Mexico
Email: cuauhtemoc.tellez@tec.mx
Email: jctellezg@gmail.com
Mobile: +525525332550
Dr. Luis Ernesto Ocampo Figueroa
Regional Studies Department DER-INESER.
Centro Universitario de Ciencias Económico Administrativas
Universidad de Guadalajara.
Periférico Norte N° 799, Núcleo Universitario Los Belenes, C.P. 45100
Zapopan, Jalisco, México.
Email: Ocampo.f@eucea.udg.mx
Telephone: +52 (33) 3770 3300, ext. 25211.
Dr. Christian Tabi Amponsah
Professor of Management
Yorkville University, Vancouver, Canada
chris_tabi@hotmail.com: camponsah@yorkvilleu.ca
Mobile: +1 604 889 4902
Central Asia
Dr. Jyldyz Aknazarova
Senior Advisor to Career Ambassador Foundation
Bishkek, 720065, Kyrgyz Republic.
Email: aknazarovaj@gmail.com
Phone: +996- 501551288
Dr. Azamat Maksudunov
Assistant professor, Management Department,
Kyrgyz - Turkish Manas University, Kyrgyzstan
Email: azamat.maksudunov@manas.edu.kg
Tel: +996 550 230 582
The Middle East (Maghreb & North Africa)
Dr. Gouher Ahmed
AGBRP - Vice President - Administration and Programs
Professor of Strategic Leadership and International Business
Skyline University
P.O Box 1797, Sharjah- United Arab Emirates
Tel: 971 508367165
Email: gouher@usa.net​
Dr. Osman Gulseven
Associate Professor of Agriculture and Applied Economics
Department of Natural Resources Economics
Sultan Qaboos University
Muscat, Oman
Email: osmangulseven@hotmail.com
Mobile: 96872745913
Dr. Naseem Abidi
Professor & Dean of School of Business
Skyline University College
Sharjah, UAE
E-mail: drabidi@yahoo.com
Mobile: +971 506 540 154
Dr. Firoz Khan
Senior Faculty, Westford University College
Ph: +971 54 246 5672
Email: khanfiroz@yahoo.com
Email: k.firoz@westford.org.uk
Dr. Belal Shneikat
Associate Professor, Skyline University College, UAE
Ph: +971 6 544 1155
Email: belalshneikat@gmail.com
Dr. Abdul Malik Syed
Director of MBA Program,
University of Business and Technology (UBT)
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Mobile: +966-540523781
Email: a.syed@ubt.edu.s
China, Hong Kong & Macau
Dr. Ming Men
Professor of Finance
University of International Business & Economics (UIBE)
Huixin Z. St, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100029, China
Tel: +86 13911620389
Email: ming_men@yahoo.com; 00051@uibe.edu.cn
Professor of Marketing
Emlyon Business School, France/China
Mobile: +86 13172008365; +852 938639950; +862 95652544 (HK)
luk@em-lyon.com; Sherriff.luk@polyu.edu.hk; sherriffluk@gmail.com
Dr. Alessandro Lampo,
Assistant Professor
Faculty of Business and Law
University of Saint Joseph
Estrada Marginal da Ilha Verde 14-17, Macau SAR
E-mail: alessandro.lmpo@usj.edu.mo
Dr. Haibing LIU
Postdoctoral, School of Management, Zhejiang University
Doctor,Lanzhou University
Professor, Vice Dean, School of Management, Wuhan University of Science and Technology.
India (South Asia)
Dr. Vishnuprasad Nagadevara
1301 Phoenix A, Meenakshi Sky Lounge
Khanamet, Hyderabad 500084, India
Tel: +91 974 222 1326
Email: nagadev@iimb.ac.in
Dr. Vasanthi Srinivasan
Professor of Management
Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
Bannerghatta Road, Bengaluru, 560076
E-mail: vasanthi@iimb.ac.in
Tel: +91 80 26993046; +91 984 504 7149
Dr. Sankarshan Basu
Professor of Accounting and Finance
Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
Bannerghatta Raod, Bangalore, 560076
E-mail: sankarshan.basu@iimb.ac.in
Tel: +91 974 222 1344
Director, NTPC School of Business, Noida, India
Thaltej-Habatpur Rd, Ahmedabad 380059
E-mail: rajeshwari.narendran@gmail.com
Ph: 079 3048 2224; Mobile: +91 941 416 3199
Dr. Pamuru Raghunadha Reddy
Professor, Department of Management Studies
Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupathi, 517502, India
Email: prreddy@svuniversity.ac.in
Ph: 0091 9346234167; M: +91 9618436728
Dr. Nitin Sanghavi
Distinguished Professor of Marketing
Flame University, Pune
Mobile: +91 9324798783
Email: nitinsanghavi@ntlworld.com
Dr. Vandith Pamuru
Assistant Professor, Information Systems Area
Indian School of Business
Gochibowli, Hyderabad 500032
Mobile: +91 798 955 4332
Dr. Nazia Sultana
Assistant Professor
Department of Commerce
University College of Women
Osmania University, Hyderabad, TS, India
Email: nazia.sultana@osmania.ac.in
Mobile: +91-8297551828
Dr. Sudhi Seshadri
Principal Consultant, Syndical Enterprise
Former Academic: SMU, MSB, IIMB, ISB (India) UMCP (USA)
57, 15 th Cross, JP Nagar Phase 2, Bengaluru, 560078
E.mail: Sudhi.seshadri@gmail.com
Ph. +91 974 008 3680
Dr. Rajesh K. Gautam
Professor & Head, Department of Anthropology
Dr. Harisingh Gaur Vishwavidyalaya (A Central University)
Sagar 47003, MP
E.mail: gautamraj2006@gmail.com
Ph: +91 942 543 7417
Dr. Sakthivel A.M.
Professor and Dean
IFIM College (Autonomous),
Infosys Drive, Electronic City Phase 1
Bangalore, India
Email: drsakkthi@gmail.com
Mobile: +919884289245
Prof. Alka Mayura
Amity International Business School
Amity University, Sector-125, Noida-201313 UP
Email: amaurya@amity.edu
Mobile: 919310523517
Prof. Farah Naaz Gauri
Professor and Head, Department of Commerce,
Dr. B. A. M. University, Aurangabad MS, India
Email: hod.prof.farah@gmail.com
Mobile: 919890454074
Avdhesh Jha
Professor, Principal and Dean, Faculty of Education
Faculty of Education, CVM University, India
Dr. Mohammad Nurul Alam, PhD
Research Director
Institute of Research & Skills Development (IORSD)
2nd Floor, House # 2, Road # 23
Uttara-7, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Email: drnurulalam2020@gmail.com
Mobile: 8801932150436
Dr. Dhruba Kumar Gautam
Central Department of Management
Director, Planning Directorate Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Email: dhruba.gautam@fom.tu.edu.np
Dr. Shankar Chelliah
Associate Professor, International Business
Program Manager for Internship, Graduate Employability & Alumni,
School of Management, Universiti Sains Malaysia
Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
Tel: 653 5282 – Mobile: 012 4618731
Email: shankarchelliah1@gmail.com
Dr. Ilias Said
Associate Professor
School of Housing, Building & Planning,
Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
Email: ilias@usm.my
Mobile: 60194772149
Work: 6046533888 Ext: 2695
Dr. Mohd Faiz Hilmi
Professor in Technology and Innovation Management
School of Distance Education, Universiti Sains Malaysia
Penang, Malaysia
Email: faiz@usm.my
Mobile: 60124736394
Dr. Logaiswari Indiran
Senior Lecturer, Department of Marketing and Entrepreneurship
Faculty of Management, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Malaysia
Mobile: +60127748005
Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore & Vietnam
Dr. Suthikorn Kingkaew
Director, Thammsat Consulting Networking & Coaching Center
Thammasat Business School
Bangkok, Thailand, 10200
Tel: +66 2613 2247; Fax: +66 2224 9735
Email: suthikorn@tbs.tu.ac.th
Dr. Neil McGregor
Newcastle Australia Institute of Higher Education,
Singapore (a campus of the University of Newcastle, Australia)
Email: Neil.McGregor@newcastle.edu.au
Dr. Wiyata
Secretary of Study Program of Tourism
Department of Business Administration, Brawijaya University, Indonesia
Tel: +62 812-3552-3128
Dr. Takao Fujiwara
Senior Researcher, Professor Emeritus
Education & Study Base Center #301
Toyohashi University of Technology
1-1 Hibarigaoka, Tenpaku
Toyohashi, Aichi 441-8580, Japan
phone:+81-532-44-6607; Mobile +81 90 8130 9357
e-mail: fujiwara.takao.tp@tut.jp
Dr. Yasuyuki Nishigaki
Faculty of Economics,
Ryukoku University
67 Fukakusa, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto 6128577 JAPAN
Tel. +81(75)6421111; Mobile:+81 90(6237)9391
Mail: nisigaki@econ.ryukoku.ac.jp
Dr. Kota Kodama
Associate Professor
Graduate School of Technology Management,
Ritsumeikan University
1-150, Iwakuracho, Ibaraki, Osaka 567-0871 Japan
E-mail: kkodama@fc.ritsumei.ac.jp
Tel:+81726652448; Mobile:+819064299137
Dr. Christian Stadlmann
Professor of Sales Management and Marketing
Faculty of Management, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
Wehrgrabengasse 1-3
4400 Steyr/Austria
Tel.: +43 (0)50804-33512
Email: christian.stadlmann@fh-steyr.at
Dr. Andreas Zehetner
Vice President International Affairs
Professor of Marketing, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
Wehrgrabengasse 1-3
4400 Steyr/Austria
Tel.: +43 (0)50804-33511
Email: andreas.zehetner@fh-steyr.at
Dr. Srecko Goic
Full professor in Management and Human resources Management
Department of Management (Head)
Faculty of Economics, University of Split
Cvite Fiskovica 5, 21000 SPLIT, CROATIA
Tel.: +385 (0)21 430610
Skype: Srecko Goic – Email: goic@efst.hr
Finland, Estonia, Norway, Sweden & Denmark
Dr. Vesa Routamaa
Emeritus Professor, University of Vaasa
Lammentie 26
65230 Vaasa, Finland
Tel: +358 505529696
Email: vesa.routamaa@professori.fi
Dr. Anu Puusa
Professor of Management
University of Eastern Finland
Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
UEF Business School, Joensuu campus
P.O. Box 111, FI-80101
E-mail: anu.puusa@uef.fi
Tel: +358 50 442 3376
Twitter: @AnuPuusa
Dr. Tiina Brandt
Principal Lecturer at Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences
Helsinki Area, Finland
Email: tiina.brandt@haaga-helia.fi
Tel: 00358503058358
Professor and Scientific Director of Studies
FOM University of Applied Sciences
City Park Center, Zeltnerstr. 19,
90443 Nuernberg, Germany
Tel: 49 9187 2212; Mobil: 49 162 1826118
Email: harald.kupfer@fom.de
AGBRP - Vice President
Associate Professor
Department of Management
Università Politecnica delle Marche
P.le Martelli 8, 60125 Ancona (AN), Italy
Mobile: +39 4380743506
Email: s.cardinali@univpm.it
Dr. Michela Cesarina Mason
Department of Economics and Statistics,
University of Udine
Via Tomadini, 30/A, 33100 Udine, Italy
Tel: +39 0432 249 223; Mobile +39 342 375 5065
Email: michela.mason@uniud.it
Dr. Marta Giovannetti,
Research Fellow
Department of Economics and Law, University of Macerata
Via Crescimbeni 14, 62100 Macerata MC, Italy
Ph: +39 0733 2583201; Mobile: +39 3278587252
Email: marta.giovannetti@unimc.it
Slovak Republic & Czech Republic
Dr. Jan Rudy
Professor of Management
Faculty of Management
Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovak Republic
P.O. Box 95 820 05 Bratislava 25, Slovak Republic
Tel: 421 9021 2021; Fax: 421 2 5011727
Email: jan.rudy@fm.uniba.sk
Dr. Zuzana Kovacicova
Vice- Rector for Education
Comenius University in Bratislava
Safarikova nam.6
814 99 Bratislava 1, Slovak Republic
Ph; +421 905 455 185
E-mail: zuzana.kovacikova@fm.uniba.sk
Ing. Sarka Zapletalova, Ph.D
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics and management
School of Business Administration in Karvina, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 596 398 433; Mobile: +420 731 975 326
E-mail: zapletalova@opf.slu.cz
Dr. Peter Starchon
Professor & Head, Department of Marketing
Faculty of Management, Comenius University in Bratislava
Republic of Slovakia
E.mail: Peter.Starchon@fm.unia.sk
Ph: +421 2 9021 2029; Mobile: +421 902 946508
Dr. Nibedita Saha, B.A., MBA (IND, NL), Ph.D
Assistant Professor, Project Manager
Tomas Bata University in Zlín University Institute Zlín, Czech Republic
E-mail: nibedita@utb.cz
Slovenia, Swiss, Lichtenstein, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Dr. Štefka Gorenak
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Commercial and Business Sciences
Toneta Melive 12
3210 Slovenske Konjice, Slovenia
Tel: 00386 3 57 55 238, 00386 3 428 55 59
E-mail: gorenak.stefka@siol.net
Dr. Sergey R. Yagolkovskiy
PhD, Associate Professor
Dept. of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences
National Research University – Higher School of economics
20, Mjasnitskaja str., 101000 Moscow
E-mail: yagser@mail.ru
Mobile: +79 262 330 1456
United States of America
Dr. Vasant H. Raval
Professor of Accounting
Heider College of Business
Creighton University
Omaha, Nebraska, 68178, USA
Ph: 402 280 5518; Fax: 402 280 5565
Email: vasantraval@creighton.edu
Dr. Phillip LeBel
Professor Emeritus,
Montclair State University
1 Normal Ave., Montclair, NJ 07043, USA
Tel: 973 655 7464; Fax: 973 655 7715
Email: lebelp@mail.montclair.edu
Dr. Robert Taylor
Professor, Sustainability Science & Urban Environmental Studies
Department of Earth and Environmental Studies
Montclair State University
1 Normal Ave., Montclair, NJ 07043, USA
Tel: 973 655 4129
Email: taylorr@mail.montclair.edu
Dr. Sivakumar Venkataramany
Professor of International Business; Burton D. Morgan Chair Professor of Business Enterprise
Dauch College of Business and Economics, Ashland University
401, College Avenue, Ashland, OH 44805 USA
Phone: (001) 419-289-5956
Fax: (001) 419-289-5910
Email: svenkata@ashland.edu
Dr. Isaac Wanasika
Chair & Professor of Strategy
Management Department
Monfort College of Business
University of Northern Colorado
Greely, CO 80639, USA
Office: 970-351-1882
Email: Isaac.Wanasika@unco.edu
Email: isaacwanasika@yahoo.com
Dr. Omer Topaloglu
Associate Professor of Marketing
Silberman School of Business, Fairleigh
Dickinson University, Teaneck, NJ, USA
Tel: 201-692-7289
Email: otopaloglu@fdu.edu
Arvinder P. S. Loomba, PhD, PMP
Professor of Project, Operations, SCM, and Medical Product Development Management,
School of Global Innovation & Leadership,
Lucas College and Graduate School of Business, BT-450,
San José State University, One Washington Square,
San Jose, CA 95192-0164. USA.
Ph: 1-408-924-3578;Mobile +1 925 989 2277; Fax: 1-408-924-6885.
Skype: apsloomba
SJSU Email: arvinder.loomba@sjsu.edu
Internet: http://www.sjsu.edu/people/arvinder.loomba/
AGBRP - Vice President - Finance
Associate Professor, Marketing
Montclair State University1 Normal Ave.,
Montclair, NJ 07043, USA
Email: johnsonde@montclair.edu
Cell: 860-830-6212
Office: 973-655-7035
Dr. Sumeet JHAMB, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Business Administration
Department of Marketing, Management, Logistics, and Business Analytics
College of Business and Public Policy
University of Alaska Anchorage
3416 Seawolf Dr., Anchorage, AK 99508
Ph: 907-744-5964
Office: 907-786-4102
Email: sjhamb@alaska.edu
Email: sumeetjhamb1979@gmail.com
United Kingdom
Dr. Claudio De Mattos
Senior Lecturer in Management (Strategy and International Business Team)
Huddersfield Business School
University of Huddersfield, Queensgate
Huddersfield, HDI 3DH
Tel: +44 1484 472584; Fax: +44 1484 516151
E-mail: c.demattos@hud.ac.uk
Dr. Nitin Sanghavi
Emeritus Professor,
Manchester Business School
Mobile: UK +44 798 919 8783
E-Mail: nitinsanghavi@ntlworld.com
Dr. Mustafa Aslan
Associate Professor
Ä°stanbul Gelisim University
Tel: +90 532 764 29 03